Billionaire Luke "The Bullet" Garmount has narrowed down the field of beautiful women on his tropical island to just five girls. Romance and seduction in a beautiful setting of...
The Billionaire's Private Island: Billionaire Island Romance Series: Book 2
Billionaire Luke "The Bullet" Garmont is devastatingly handsome, lonely, horny, and sick of gold-diggers. He lost his heart when the love of his life died - but not his libido. He...
Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Private Island Complete Series: 3 In 1 Box Set
The Billionaire's Private Island Complete Series!Multibillionaire Luke "The Bullet" Garmont is devastatingly handsome, lonely, horny, and sick of gold diggers. He lost his heart...
The Billionaire's Private Island: Billionaire Island Romance Series: Book 1
Multi-billionaire Luke "The Bullet" Garmont is devastatingly handsome, lonely, horny, and sick of gold-diggers. He lost his heart when the love of his life died - not his libido....