The Cuckold Path: Book 1 Of 'the One Less Traveled'

  • Autor: J.C. Wittol
  • Editora: Boruma Publishing


On the surface, Nick has it all: a beautiful wife and family, and a great job. His life is one of clear skies, calm waters, and smooth sailing.

Just over the horizon, however, a wave is building that threatens to change his entire life. A harmless trip to a swingers club, an attempt to try something different, leads them to Collin. The handsome, rich black man immediately enthralls Nicole, his gorgeous Latin wife, and the feeling is mutual.

What follows is an exciting, gut-wrenching ride for everyone—especially Nick, who has to come to terms with his wife’s infatuation for a man who desires her. Nick is faced with a choice: remove Collin from their lives and risk his wife’s happiness, or allow Collin to remain in their lives, and risk his marriage.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

We stayed for a little while longer, and Nicole danced with a few other guys, but the energy that we’d felt earlier left with Collin. Only thirty minutes had passed since he left, and she mentioned she’d like to go home.

“We need to talk anyway,” she said as we left.

Once we got on the road, I couldn’t wait any longer. “You wanna help me understand your behavior tonight?”

“God, I’m so embarrassed.”

She buried her face in her hands for several seconds, but when she faced me again I could see more excitement than embarrassment. I wondered if she was about to beg for forgiveness, or ask for permission to do it again.

“I’m sorry, honey,” she started and put her hand on my shoulder. “I got carried away tonight, and I apologize.”

“Yeah, you caught me by surprise. I didn’t think we were going to become swingers tonight.”

“We’re not,” she assured me. “I love you and I don’t want to swing with random couples we meet in a club. That just doesn’t interest me.”

“Okay,” I dragged the word out. “What does interest you? You seemed to really like Collin, but he’s a single guy, and I thought…..well shit, I’m not sure what I thought, or you thought, or we thought. Ugh! I’m so damn confused, baby. What hell are we doing?”

She stared out the window for a few minutes before turning back to me. “Do you really want to know what I’m thinking? Honestly. Do you really want to know, because I love you and don’t want to hurt your feelings, and I don’t want to jeopardize our marriage?”

“Jeopardize our marriage? When did our marriage get put on the chopping block?”

Somewhere along the way, we’d jumped into the deep end of the pool and felt like I could barely tread water. Our marriage was fine when we left the house, now it was in jeopardy?

“It’s not. I’m sorry; I’m not expressing myself well. I just,” she trailed off.

“Just what?”

“I just want to be honest with you, but I’m afraid you won’t want me anymore.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “You’ll be ashamed of me.”

“I love you, Nikki, and I absolutely want you to be honest. Always. Please tell me.”

“Okay.” She wiped her eyes before continuing, “I had a discussion with Suzie. We’re in the same yoga class. Anyway we had lunch a while back and she let me in on a little secret. Her husband used to go out of town a lot on business, and their sex life suffered. She told me they used to fight a lot, and almost divorced, before they worked out an agreement.”

“What type of agreement?”

She took another breath. “Suzie has a boyfriend.”
