The Black Belt Mind: how to build a Black Belt Mind

  • Autor: Vinicio Antony
  • Editora: Autografia


Many millennia ago, martial arts appeared in the world, and with them a powerful tool for the construction not only of a privileged body in terms of motor skills and conditioning, but also of a differentiated mind and accumulation in terms of cognition, concentration, focus and discipline. After decades of practice, a martial arts master was, above all, a person capable of controlling their mind, becoming an absolute master of their attitude, skills and emotions. In my search for a holistic understanding of the martial arts, I researched, studied and evolved in several of these, which I like to call behavioral philosophical structures. For a greater understanding, I studied in depth the motricity, and psyche and human behavior, to through the establishment of pattern development make mapping techniques applicable behavioral, motor and emotional, of actual opponents, or of the silent struggle, fought every day in different areas of our lives, and especially in the most elusive field of battles, which is our own mind.