Before:It was the perfect summer of first kisses, skinny- dipping, and bonfires by the lake. Joy, Tali, Luce, and Zoe knew their final summer at Camp Okahatchee would come to an...
In what calls their "greatest [collaboration] to date," New York Times bestselling and Newbery and Carnegie Medal-winning author Neil Gaiman and Kate...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets We Were Liars in this thought-provoking and brilliantly written debut that is part love story, part mystery, part high-stakes...
Big Nate is living it up!When Nate's asked to befriend a new student, he's all for it—until he actually MEETS the kid. Is Nate stuck with a fun sponge? Or will his new buddy...
Win or Lose, It's How You Break the Game.As her dad and best friend lie in the hospital, Miki struggles to answer one gut-wrenching question: Was their accident bad luck or was...
While America Singer's heart was torn between Aspen and Prince Maxon, her friend Marlee knew exactly what she wanted—and paid the price.Revisit the captivating world of...
It is Labor Day weekend in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and boy and girl collide on a dark street at two thirty in the morning. Lesh, who wears black, listens to metal, and plays MMOs;...
J. A. White’s The Thickety: Well of Witches is an epic quest into an enchanted kingdom with new kinds of magic, an old enemy, and only one way out. Fans of Neil Gaiman will...
Axel is a little red truck with big wheels and big dreams. In this easy-to-read story that is just right for beginning readers, Axel and his dog, Rex, go to the racetrack at the...
Amelia Bedelia's mother is feeling blue, so she decides to head to town for lunch and a little shopping. Amelia Bedelia is having a playdate of her own, and she decides to make...