Older brother thinks he knows the rules to hide-and-seek. But little sister has her own idea of how to play. And the resulting confusion, compounded by a lively dog, is hilarious....
For almost fifty years, children have been reading about the hilarious adventures of Amelia Bedelia, the housekeeper so literal-minded she puts sponges in her sponge cake. Now, in...
There's a new vampire in town. His name is Valentine Maxwell. Goth-girl Raven knows this latest intruder can only mean trouble—he's the younger sibling of two vampires she...
For goth-girl Raven, dating her dream boyfriend is complicated, especially because Alexander's secret means that they can see each other only at night.And now the pair must be...
The Best Year EverThat's what Ramona thought the fourth grade was going to be, but things aren't turning out as she hoped. Sure, she has a new best friend named Daisy. But how can...
Meet Cavecat Pete! Pete lives happily among the dinosaurs. He's friends with everyone. But when Pete organizes a picnic with all his friends and some herbivores and carnivores...
Leon's back. Having survived the sweatshop methods of Miss Hagmeyer, his needle-wielding fourth grade teacher at the Classical School, Leon braces himself for fifth grade. He...
Flat Stanley goes north!Stanley Lambchop and his family are in British Columbia, Canada, for some skiing and winter fun. But when Stanley and his new friend Nick go...
The Last Great Wilderness . . . There is a place where bears can live in peace, where there is sea-ice all year, where the forests are full of prey, where flat-faces never go....
Danny's going to camp—and he's taking the dinosaur! First introduced in 1958 with Danny and the Dinosaur and the recent stars of Happy Birthday, Danny and the...