The miniseries consists of two volumes of the title created by Ricardo Garay and produced and printed in the 90s, now in digital version. Virtual Hunter volumes 1 and 2. If you...
Graphic novel in 3 volumes with over 250 pages.Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is the graphic novel, based on the German expressionist film of the same name, released in 1920. Directed by...
A standalone high-stakes middle grade fantasy by Alysa Wishingrad, author of the Junior Library Guild Gold Standard selection The Verdigris Pawn.Monsters are still lurking on...
Inspired by Hansel and Gretel, this spooky ghost story and touching debut investigates the gingerbread houses that we trap ourselves in when we don’t learn to love ourselves as...
Graphic novel in 3 volumes with over 250 pages.Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is the graphic novel, based on the German expressionist film of the same name, released in 1920. Directed by...
Granitic is actually Kenneth, an ordinary Australian. He was abducted and subjected to alien experiments. He later discovers that he has powers, such as transforming into a...
The Red Arrow is the first tale of the Zeirdos, preceding the books and introducing the characters, Jaque, Kiko, Luís, and Luiza. The four of them are part of the students who...
The miniseries consists of two volumes. Holographicman is the type of secret project the government wishes would never be discovered, especially when it goes out of control. This...
This didactic collection presented by the character Professor Elibius, will show for the children colorful and fun themes such as: numbers, letters, hours, the solar system the...
The story of Jesus' birth is simply presented to young children through easy-to-read text and vibrant illustrations. Children will learn about: The angel Gabriel telling Mary...