Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that seeks to analyze why you feel certain ways and how you see certain situations. Because anxiety is a reaction to...
step-by-step guide for anyone involved in family trusts: trust creators, trustees, beneficiaries, and advisors. It will help families create and administer a culture that...
Extrapolating the boundaries between art and education, Carla Caffé portrays the art direction work of the award-winning feature film The Cambridge Squatter (2016) through the...
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is a short book first published in 1880 by German-born socialist Friedrich Engels. The work was primarily extracted from a longer polemic work...
The senseless killings of innocent people and children, bad governance, bribery and corruption have taken over the politics of Africans. Today, Africans are dwelling in poverty...
Becoming a stand up comedian requires an understanding that performing stand up comedy can be stressful, particularly if you have hecklers. Some people enjoy going to the comedy...
This story is set during the occupation of France of 1940-44, during which time the author fought as a member of the Resistance. It follows her interrogation, imprisonment and her...
DISCOVER POWERFUL TECHNIQUES YOU CAN USE TO MANIPULATE, PERSUADE AND INFLUENCE ANYONEDo you believe people's brainwashing occurs only in films? Do you believe using the...
Created to provide an experience closer to drawing and modeling with real objects, SketchUp has won over a host of loyal users year after year. SketchUp stands out for its speed...
So, what exactly is a minimalist lifestyle? Are there real benefits to living this way?Minimalism seems to be gaining real popularity these days. What is minimalism? It is...