Thirteen-year-old actor Eden Giuliano presents a brand new line of exciting children’s stories from Child's Play Audio!Thornton W. Burgess was a conservationist and author of...
This much-loved story follows a group of animal friends in the English countryside as they pursue adventure ... and as adventure pursues them! The chief characters - Mole, Rat,...
After losing her first two forever homes, Noodle the golden doodle knows all about the sadness of goodbyes. But in her new home with Andrea and now as an official Helper Hound,...
The Triad Society has been destroyed. The new era between the Nether and the Overworld is about to begin. Can anything go wrong in Calvin’s world?This ‘new era’ would start...
Miryam's body doesn't fight off germs like it should. While doctors figure out how to make her better, Miryam needs to stay home for online classes. Trouble is: Miryam struggles...
Sharing with Others explains the values of charity and sharing one’s earnings and time. The book helps young children see the benefits of sharing their time and money. Introduce...
Hello Gooselings!In the early 1990s YMCA storyteller, The Old Gray Goose joined forces with producer Geoffrey Giuliano in their hometown of Lockport, New York on the banks of the...
Goldilocks may have escaped the wrath of the three bears, but her luck runs out when this busy-body stumbles into a haunted house. Scary Tales Retold are "delightfully monstrous...
Prince and His Mother's Crown: Tales Within My Mother's Hair, is a whimsical fairytale about a little boy named Prince who is fascinated with his mother's magical crown of hair.It...
Thirteen-year-old actor Eden Giuliano presents a brand new line of exciting children’s stories from Child's Play Audio!Thornton W. Burgess was a conservationist and author of...