Living Life With Lynda Show
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 140:43:06
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I have been on a personal wellness journey for the past few years due to watching my father get diagnosed and suffer from one illness or disease to the next (heart disease, diabetes, stroke, colon cancer) until he passed away in March 2016. I kept saying, There is something wrong with our system today, there has to be a better way and it cant be that difficult to get and stay healthy. As I repeated this phrase over and over, I saw amazing opportunities come my way where I was able to learn more about alternative medicine, nutrition, fitness, personal development, etc. Those opportunities led me to positions where I was able to share what I learned in order to educate other people who had the same questions I did! I started this radio show to take people on this journey with me as I continue to discover what options are available to help us. Join me and my guests as we dive into topics that will cover physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to help you lead a successful, balanced and connected life.
Episode 75 - Improve Your Emotional Intelligence with Michael Stern of Integral Alignment
09/03/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Michael Stern, founder of Integral Alignment, joins us this week. Michael is a coach, educator and facilitator who specializes in working with people to develop their Emotional Intelligence which includes self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management and how that makes a difference especially for current and future leaders. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about the work she continues to do with Business Coach, Allyson Scammell. She covers what Core Gifts are and how to define the light and shadow side of those gifts.
Episode 74 - The Center for Grieving Children with Executive Director, Anne Heros
02/03/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Anne Heros, Executive Director of The Center for Grieving Children joins us for a very important discussion about grief. The Maine based, non-profit organization, The Center for Grieving Children, serves more than 4,000 grieving children, teens, families, and young adults annually through peer support, outreach, and education and since its founding in 1987, the Center has served more than 66,000 children, teens, and their families. I am so honored to have Anne join me to share all the free services the Center for Grieving Children has to offer. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda continues her discussion about vibrational energy by sharing an article from The Chopra Center. This article gives you some tips on how to raise your vibrational energy. The full article is shared on the Living Life with Lynda Facebook page.
Episode 73 - Chiropractic Care, Nutrition & Essential Oils with Dr. Meghan Schoening
24/02/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Dr. Meghan Schoening, a Doctor of Chiropractic, learned at a young age the philosophy of wellness; to trust the body, feed it nutrients and balance the mind. She brings her philosophy of wellness to her practice as she works with patients on healing with Chiropractic care, food choices, essential oils and nutritional protocols and she shares that knowledge with us as well on this episode of Living Life with Lynda! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an article titled, "People Don't Meet Anyone by Chance". It is about how there are 7 kinds of cosmic connections the universe will send your way. Lynda also talks about an "awareness class" she is taking and how it has raised her vibrational energy to bring new, very cool people into her life.
Episode 72 - Psycho-Spiritual Healing with Celia Grand, LCSW, BCD
16/02/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Celia Grand is a psychotherapist in private practice specializing in healing trauma. Celia’s quest to create a safe environment for psycho-spiritual healing has led her to combine eastern philosophy with cutting edge neuroscience and state of the art psychotherapy treatments. We discuss EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Celia's Replenish Healing Retreats. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares how sick she got while on vacation in Vegas during New Year's and shares what natural remedies helped her get on her feet again.
Episode 71 - Tourmaline Spring: Sacred Living Water with Seth Leaf Pruzansky
11/02/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Seth Leaf Pruzansky, co-owner of Tourmaline Spring, joins me for a lively discussion about how this flawless, gem-grade Sacred Living Water from the Summit Spring in Harrison, Maine differs from the bottled water you are familiar with and how it can help you connect with nature! We even recorded this show via Facebook Live, so if you want to watch it, then visit my Facebook show page! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an email from MindBodyGreen about how to Declutter your life for more Joy, Ease & Creativity.
Episode 70 - How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Pain, Sleep & Anxiety with Yves Brinkmann, C.Ht.
06/02/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Yves Brinkmann is a Certified Hypnotherapist and founder of the Midcoast Clinic of Hypnotherapy in Yarmouth, Maine. We will discuss how hypnotherapy works and how he has been able to help patients who suffer from anxiety, pain and sleep disorders using this therapy. And we also talk about how, after just 4 sessions, Yves helped cure my husband's fear of travel that he's had for over 15 years! Amazing!! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about how her husband, Shawn's, anxiety of travel developed over time to eventually affect him in other ways besides just traveling. If you have anxiety issues, please seek treatment besides relying on medication.
Episode 69 - Pasha Marlowe of Roots & Springs - Holistic Personal Training & Individualized Fitness
26/01/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: I am joined by Pasha Marlowe, owner of Roots & Springs Studio. Pasha creates individualized programs for her clients incorporating Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Cardio, Strength & Mind/Body techniques. She believes fitness and wellness have so much more to do with what happens inside your brain and outside of the gym/studio. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares some exciting news!! She has gone back to school to become a Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach!
Episode 68 - Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte - Azerbaijan Refugee - Author of Nowhere, A Story of Exile
23/01/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte lost her childhood to ethnic cleansing. In 1988, she was a ten year old girl living in the seaside city of Baku, in the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. During that time, she kept a diary which she later published as an autobiography titled, "Nowhere, A Story of Exile". Anna joins me to discuss why her family was forced to flee their home, where their journey took them, what it was like coming to America as refugees and how those experiences helped her become the strong, confident wife, mother, Attorney and City Councilor she is today. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares a DailyOM email titled, "The Power of Not Knowing".
Episode 67 - Hair Matters Helps During Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment with Debby Porter
13/01/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: My guest this week is Debby Porter, Founder & CEO, of the non-profit organization Hair Matters. Debby will share her story about being diagnosed with breast cancer, how that led to her creating Hair Matters and how they are able to help restore and protect the uniqueness of an individual whose identity may have become fragile during cancer treatments. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about The Four Agreements, specifically about the #1 Agreement: Be Impeccable with Your Word.
Episode 66 - The Brothers Documentary Film - Surviving Schizophrenia, Suicide & Muscular Dystrophy with Love & Strength
10/01/2020 Duração: 53minPart 1: Director, Reggie Groff, and Suzan Roberts Norton join me to discuss the documentary film The Brothers. This movie shares the story of Terry & Suzan’s two sons, JT and Michael. JT was a vibrant, energetic child who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his early adult years which ultimately led to him committing suicide. Michael was diagnosed and is living with Muscular Dystrophy and was super close with JT. To honor his brother, he wanted to make a movie about him. Enter Reggie Groff, who worked with Michael to share this inspiring story of a family that fights through tremendous hardship and loss with creativity and a zest for life. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares a DailyOM email about Quality vs. Quantity.
Episode 65 - New Year's Resolutions & Permanent Weight Loss with Jason Gootman
29/12/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Health Coach, Jason Gootman, talks with us about why people tend to fail sticking to their New Year’s Health Resolutions and provides advice on how to have long term success instead. Ever tried a diet and didn't have success? Then you need to listen to this episode! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about the Netflix docuseries, Rotten, and specifically about "The Peanut Problem" episode which discusses food allergies and the theory behind why so many people have developed them today.
Episode 64 - Healthy Sexuality with Jennifer Wiessner
26/12/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and certified Sex Therapist, Jennifer Wiessner, joins me to discuss healthy sexuality. We be talking about low libido, impotency, pleasuring yourself, how to remain sexually active while dealing with health challenges, raising sexually healthy children and much, much more! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about working with a new business coach, Allyson Scammell, who is helping her grow her business using her soul's internal guidance and tuning in to her core gifts.
Episode 63 - Peace, Love & Zoo Documentary Film
15/12/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Director, Reggie Groff, and Zoo Cain, of the local Maine documentary film Peace, Love & Zoo join me this week to discuss their film. The film takes you on a journey as we get to know Zoo and the impact he has made on so many who struggle with addiction recovery and how art, love and hope can help you overcome life’s most difficult challenges. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares some information on what science has revealed about what the health benefits are from practicing gratitude.
Episode 62 - Building Community at Presence of Mind Wellness Center with MJ Allen
09/12/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: MJ Allen the owner of Presence of Mind Wellness Center joins me this week. She talks about the community she is building focused around wellness and how she is specifically helping women entrepreneurs make their vision a reality. Ever had a foot soak? If not, then listening to this show will definitely make you want one:) Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about how she used to stress herself out during the holidays and offers words of advice of how you could reduce your own stress.
Episode 61 - Empathic Mastery with Jennifer Moore - Part 2
01/12/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Jennifer Moore is the author of the Empathic Mastery book and is a mentor & healer for sensitive, intuitive women. Jen was on my show last week (Episode 60) talking about highly sensitive people, also known as empaths. This week she’s back to talk about the 2nd half of her Empathic Mastery book covering the 5 step system to go from an emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda continues her thoughts from last week about loneliness and shares why she feels social media especially contributes to people feeling lonely.
Episode 60 - Empathic Mastery with Jennifer Moore - Part 1
24/11/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Jennifer Moore is the author of the Empathic Mastery book and is a mentor & healer for sensitive, intuitive women. She will help us understand what an empath is and offer advice to bring relief and empowerment to help others embrace their abilities as gifts. This is a 2-part show. Episode 61 features the 2nd part. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - This also is a 2 part topic about loneliness. Have you ever felt lonely even though you are in a relationship and surrounded by loving people? There is a reason for that and Lynda shares some thoughts and information about why that is.
Episode 59 - Families Can Get Healthy Outside with WinterKids
19/11/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Julie Mulkern and Josh Harrington from the Maine based, non-profit organization WinterKids join me to talk about how their program helps children develop healthy lifelong habits by creating educational opportunities and providing resources that encourage the whole family to get outside and have fun! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - This week Lynda talks about the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to local elections and politics! Thank you goes out to everyone who chooses to throw their hat in the ring to serve whether it's locally or nationally or any position in between!
Episode 58 - Customized Medications and Ensuring Quality of Supplements with Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness
13/11/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Do you get confused by the variety of supplements available today and how can you be sure the ones you are buying are of good quality and actually working? Joe Lorello, Cassi Brooks & Jenny Conti from Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness join us to talk about pharmaceutical compounding (customized medications), nutraceuticals & supplements and the monthly free educational events they host! If you take any prescription medication or are curious about vitamins & supplements, then this is show is MUST listen! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - This week is all about forgiveness and Lynda shares a very personal secret she has felt guilty about for 30 years in order to release the shame she has surrounding it. Keep your tissues handy!
Episode 57 - Ecological Landscaping to Enhance Nature with Deborah Perkins
08/11/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: Deborah Perkins, a Wildlife ecologist and owner of First Light Wildlife Habitats joins us to talk about ecological landscaping and why that’s so important for our environments plus why Fall is a good time to look for invasive plants and why the Winter months are a good time to start planning. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - What is your definition of dressing for success? Are you dressing in clothing that makes you feel good or are you being influenced by society and just trying to fit in by wearing clothing that is not attractive or for your highest and best good? Lynda talks about all of this!
Episode 56 - Domestic Violence: Recognize It, Report It, Prevent It
28/10/2019 Duração: 53minPart 1: We are joined by Rebecca Hobbs, Executive Director of Through These Doors, a domestic violence resource center that serves victims and survivors in Cumberland County, Maine. Rebecca will help us understand what domestic abuse is and how to recognize it if it’s happening to someone you know and also find support for yourself if you are in this situation. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares a poem she heard on a Dr. Wayne Dyer program and written by Valerie Cox called "The Cookie Thief" to help raise awareness about judgement and making assumptions.