Living Life With Lynda Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 140:43:06
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I have been on a personal wellness journey for the past few years due to watching my father get diagnosed and suffer from one illness or disease to the next (heart disease, diabetes, stroke, colon cancer) until he passed away in March 2016. I kept saying, There is something wrong with our system today, there has to be a better way and it cant be that difficult to get and stay healthy. As I repeated this phrase over and over, I saw amazing opportunities come my way where I was able to learn more about alternative medicine, nutrition, fitness, personal development, etc. Those opportunities led me to positions where I was able to share what I learned in order to educate other people who had the same questions I did! I started this radio show to take people on this journey with me as I continue to discover what options are available to help us. Join me and my guests as we dive into topics that will cover physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to help you lead a successful, balanced and connected life.


  • Welcome Change & Attract Opportunities - The Last Show - Episode 157

    09/11/2021 Duração: 53min

    This is the last episode of the Living Life with Lynda show that aired on WLOB in Portland, Maine.  Lynda and her friend, Catherine Wilson, of On Purpose Wellbeing Center, share the BIG changes they both are going through.  Lynda has decided to stop airing her show on WLOB for a variety of reasons and Catherine is closing her center at the end of the year.  So, together they talk about how being open to change can lead to amazing opportunities and how to know when it's the right time to make changes. Thank you to everyone who has ever listened to any of my shows!  It has been a pleasure providing valuable health information to you and I may not be entirely done yet, so make sure you sign up on my website to receive updates as they get announced!

  • Clean Water = Healthy Home & Healthy Body - Episode 156

    08/11/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1:  Did you know contaminants in your water can cause kidney damage and developmental delays in children as well as many forms of cancer, including bladder & lung cancer?  Andy Boure, General Manager of Dunbar Water, shares stories and information about why it's so important to test your water to keep both your home & yourself healthy.   Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares the very difficult decision she has made about ending her Living Life with Lynda show.

  • Chiropractic Care & Supportive Services to Help Alleviate Pain - Dr. Mitch Vance - Episode 155

    01/11/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1: I have been a patient of Dr. Mitch Vance of Body Back Chiropractic & Physiotherapy for a year and I found him by doing a search online for a Chiropractor who is certified to offer Active Release Technique (ART). I am SO grateful to have been led to him! Don't know what ART is? Well then, check out this episode to learn out about that as well as learn about physiotherapy, cupping, graston technique and more! Not all chiropractors are the same, so if you've tried chiropractic care in the past or are having neck or back pain, migraines or are pregnant or recently had a baby, then this is the show for you! Part 2:  Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an article from DailyOM about the importance of practice self-awareness.

  • Unfunc Your Gut with Functional Medicine Doctor Robert Kozlowski - Episode 153

    25/10/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1 - Dr. Robert Kozlowski (Dr. Koz) is a Functional Medicine Doctor and author of UNFUNC YOUR GUT: Boost Your Immune System, Heal Your Gut, and Unlock Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health. We discuss what functional medicine is and how it's different from conventional medicine as well as how unresolved mental, emotional & spiritual issues can lead to physical health problems.  Dr. Koz also gives tips on some simple steps you can take each morning to help improve your digestive health and shares how food sensitivities are more dangerous than food allergies and how an elimination diet can help. Part 2 - Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares information from the book, Organize Tomorrow Today, on how to develop new healthy habits and how winning a "fight thru" is an important part of that process.

  • Bonding with My Bunnies: Yoga Lesson Plans for Families & Children - Angela Lamb - Episode 151

    23/09/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1:  Angela Lamb of Healthy Life Nation joins me again, but this time it's to talk about her newest book, Bonding with My Bunnies: Yoga Lesson Plans for Families & Children.  The theme of this book is Rest, Play, Yoga, Repeat! Give kids the gift of yoga tailored to them! Fun games, kid-friendly final relaxation meditations, fun and relaxing breathing exercises, kid-friendly yoga practices to foster family bonding and genuine play.  Angela will share why she chose to write this book and how she feels it will help make a difference in families and childrens' lives! Part 2:  Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about the importance of supporting your local farmer and shares a blog post from Wormell Farms regarding the status of their farm.

  • Volunteers of America - Making a Difference for So Many - Episode 150

    19/09/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1: Volunteers of America is a spiritually based social services organization helping the area's most vulnerable populations.   They provide affordable senior housing throughout the state, homeless veteran services, recovery services, correctional re-entry services, behavioral health services as well as a free-weeklong youth camp.  In this episode, Michael Coon, Vice President of External Relations, joins me to discuss all those services in detail and more! Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda continues the story of their beloved dog Trevor passing away and shares information to help people through the grieving process after losing a pet.

  • Providing Integrative Wellness Services to Cancer Patients - Foundation4Love - Episode 149

    12/09/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1:  In this episode I speak with Leah Robert and Sarah Kelly. Leah is an Oncology Nurse and after her sister, Sarah, was diagnosed with breast cancer in her 32nd week of pregnancy, they both went through a deep cleaning exercise of getting rid of harmful, unhealthy products which led to them creating SaltyGirl Beauty and the non-profit organization Foundation4Love . They will share their very personal journey and talk about how Foundation4Love is helping to provide Integrative Wellness services to cancer patients through New England Cancer Specialists. Part 2:  Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares her heartbreaking story of having to put their dog, Trevor, to sleep and about the special message they received from him after he was gone.

  • Spiritual Lessons from Multiple Sclerosis - Molly Edelstein from Person Growth Design - Episode 148

    08/09/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1: In this episode, I talk with Molly Edelstein, founder of Personal Growth Design.  Multiple Sclerosis has been a part of Molly’s life since she was very young, from her father's diagnosis  when she was 6 and then her own diagnosis at 20.  The spiritual lessons she has learned from MS have changed her life, brought her freedom and joy, and has now led her to  provide coaching and education.  She comes to this work with a background as a homeopath, business professional and lifelong spiritual seeker and loves to help women fully embrace and leverage their ME-ness. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an email from Dr. Robert Anthony titled, "Becoming More Powerful by the Minute"

  • How to Care & Support Those with Dementia - Ann Quinlan - Episode 147

    29/08/2021 Duração: 53min

    Ann Quinlan is a Geriatric Care Manager and Dementia Care Specialist. She has over 25 years of experience in deepening her understanding of the sadness, grief, frustration, and stress experienced when one is caring for a loved one with short-term memory loss due to ANY form of dementia. In this interview, she will share strategies from her Three Rules workshop that help people support those they care for with dementia.  If dementia is a part of your life, through caring for a loved one or through service work you provide, then this show is an absolute must listen!  Contact Ann Quinlan at for information on upcoming workshops.

  • Neuromuscular Therapy, Sports Massage & Abrasive Reiki - Walter Selens - Episode 146

    25/08/2021 Duração: 53min

    This is Part 2 of my interview with Walter Selens! Walter is a licensed massage therapist who has been practicing bodywork since 1988. He began studying Parapsychology in 1986 in the Parapsychology Program at Cape Cod Community College. He started off as a paranormal investigator and when the classroom focus changed, he found himself studying energy patterns in health and bodywork. He decided to switch his major to Massage Therapy and is now a Neuromuscular Therapist at Gorham Muscular Therapy.   In this 2nd interview, Walter explains what neuromuscular therapy is and how it can help with soft-tissue injuries. He also discusses how he is able to help people who participate in sports before, during and after an event to help improve their performance and recovery. And if that wasn't enough, we also talk about "abrasive" Reiki!

  • From Paranormal Investigations to Neuromuscular Massages with Walter Selens - Episode 145

    15/08/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1: This is Part 1 of my 2 part interview with Walter Selens. Walter is a licensed massage therapist who has been practicing bodywork since 1988. He began studying Parapsychology in 1986 in the Parapsychology Program at Cape Cod Community College. He started off as a paranormal investigator and when the classroom focus changed, he found himself studying energy patterns in health and bodywork. He decided to switch his major to Massage Therapy and is now a Neuromuscular Therapist at Gorham Muscular Therapy located in Gorham, Maine. In this interview, he shares some really interesting information about being recognized as having a "psychic ability" by the US Air Force, some paranormal occurrences he encountered on Cape Cod, why he decided to become a Massage Therapist as well as talk about a unique service of showing parents how to massage their infants! Walter is quite the character, so you will definitely enjoy this show! Part 2: Weekly Words - Lynda talks about our circle of influence and how certain part

  • My Place Teen Center - Helping At-Risk Youth Grow Into Healthy Adults - Episode 144

    08/08/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1:  Donna Dwyer, President and CEO, of My Place Teen Center joins me to talk about their mission to provide a safe haven for youth ages 10-18, sustaining them with comfort, meals, resources, and hope. My Place Teen Center (MPTC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, regional organization headquartered in Westbrook, Maine, with a temporary location secured in Saco, and a soon-to-be new one in Biddeford (opening in 2022).  They are a year round, free, out of school time program. They provide academic assistance through tutoring, study skills, the Learning Technology Lab, and Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math (STEAM) programs. They offer instruction in character development, leadership development, life skills, job skills, and financial literacy. They focus on aspects of healthy, responsible moral development that builds strong character, self-esteem, academic, and leadership skills. The culture at the Teen Center is one in which they are loving first and firm when needed. A family-type, anti-bullyin

  • Keeping Maine's Population Healthy through Healthy Living for ME - Episode 143

    22/07/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1 - Jen Paquet, Training Manager, for Healthy Living for ME™ joins me to talk about this amazing organization that is helping to keep Maine's population thriving into and through their elder years!  Through a network of local leaders, community organizations and health systems, Healthy Living for ME™ delivers programs to help adults manage chronic health conditions, prevent falls, and foster well-being. If you are coping with high blood pressure, heart disease, COPD, arthritis, diabetes or other chronic conditions, Healthy Living for ME™ can support your efforts to live life as fully and independently as possible. Part 2 - Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about her beloved dog, Trevor, being ill recently and how she noticed that the healthcare system for pets is following the same pattern as for people.

  • Suicide Prevention - Maine Chapter of National Alliance for Mental Illness - Episode 142

    16/07/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1: We all have probably either known someone who has taken their own life or have heard of suicide and how it affects the loved ones who are left behind. However, it's one of those subjects that people tend to not talk about. But like I've said on my show many times before, the only way we can make things change is by being willing to acknowledge the topic and have these tough discussions. In this episode, I speak with Greg Marley, the Director of Suicide Prevention for the Maine branch of NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness). Greg talks about what mental illness is, what signs you can look for and shares tips on how to help those you love who may be suffering from a mental illness. This show is dedicated to my cousin's grandson, Andre James Shaeffer who passed away on June 12, 2021.   Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an email from DailyOM titled, Same Choices Same Results

  • Voices of Hope: The Rugged Road to Recovery - Episode 141

    11/07/2021 Duração: 53min

    Almost everyone has directly or indirectly experienced how chemical dependency can affect a loved one.  Lynda is joined by the creators and subjects of a local Maine television documentary series, Voices of Hope - The Rugged Road to Recovery.  This series is a project started by SEED (Students Empowered to End Dependency) and is a variety of very personal stories shared from the people who struggle with substance use disorder and are in recovery to the families who have lost loved ones.   SEED was formed to add the voice of students to help explain the insidious brain disease of chemical dependency. Their main objective is to amplify community messaging about use of chemical substances by explaining the science underlying the disease model. In so doing, it is their hope that fewer people will start using drugs & alcohol and more will seek recovery.  This series is their first project.  You may watch the whole series on their website and stay tuned for more episodes, as they are in the process of being fil

  • Farmers Markets - How are they so beneficial to so many? Episode 140

    02/07/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1:  In this episode, I am joined by Jimmy Cesario-DeBiasi and Carolyn Snell.  Jimmy is the Director of Programs for the Maine Federation of Farmers' Markets and Carolyn is the Chair of the Farmers’ Market Association in Portland, Maine and a fourth-generation, farmer at Snell Family Farm located in Buxton, Maine.  We talk about the benefits of buying from local farms and farmers markets and the various programs offered through these markets including how they can double the dollars for people who receive SNAP benefits (food stamps). Part 2:  Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares a story of being approached by a stranger in a restaurant, inviting him to join her for dinner and how that one act of kindness may have changed his life.

  • Connecting People with Their Loved Ones in Spirit with Cathy Ripley Greene - Episode 139

    27/06/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    I hosted a special event with Psychic Medium, Cathy Ripley Greene, where people called in to be connected with their loved ones who have passed away.  From the young mother who recently lost her love in a car accident to reuniting a woman with her sister and another with a close friend, Cathy was able to give each caller information that helped identify their loved one as proof it was them, then gave them each a message and finished the call channeling a special message for them to give them some peace.  I have met many Psychic Mediums and Cathy Ripley Greene is the real deal!  Prepared to be blown away!

  • Updates on my favorite non-profit organizations: Hair Matters, Madeline's Mission & Stop Trafficking US - Episode 138

    18/06/2021 Duração: 53min

    This show is a montage of 3 of my favorite Maine non-profit organizations providing updates on where their organizations have been, where they are now and what they need to continue helping so many! Debby Porter is the Founder & CEO, of the non-profit organization Hair Matters. As a hair stylist, when Debby heard the words, "you have breast cancer" she was not only terrified for her life, but she wondered how she would cope with hair loss.  She found there was no place to turn for help with hair loss and during her recovery she vowed to create the kind of help she wasn’t able to find. That’s how Hair Matters was born. Today, Hair Matters works to restore vitality and hope and reduce fear and isolation for all who seek their help by providing emotional support and hair loss solutions in a non-medical setting. You can hear the full interview I did with Debby in Episode 67. Amie Marzen, founder of Madeline’s Mission joins us to share the story of her beautiful daughter Madeline, whom she lost at just 4 years

  • Local Musicians Getting Healthy on a Whole Food Plant-Based Journey with Corey Bonnevie & Cliff Gelina - Episode 137

    12/06/2021 Duração: 53min

    Local Maine musicians, Corey Bonnevie of RAGGED JACK & Cliff Gelina of Dawg-House Studios and The Cliff & Bill Show join me for this high energy, informational show!  Why would I have musicians on a health & wellness show? Because they are on a whole food plant-based journey to get and stay healthy and they are SO passionate about it, that I just had to have them share their stories!! If you are overweight, take medications, have been diagnosed with a disease or just plain tired all the time then this is the show for you!! Hear how easy it can be to make a change that will change your life! These guys are living proof that you can turn your health around, just by choosing differently!! Oh and as a bonus, these super talented guys also play us a tune!  Enjoy!

  • Get Good at Living with Lifestyle Coach, Michelle Lappin - Episode 136

    05/06/2021 Duração: 53min

    Part 1:  Michelle Lappin is a lifestyle coach and founder of Get Good at Living. In this episode we talk about how making small shifts in routines, habits, and behaviors can have a huge positive impact in not just your life, but in the lives of those who surround you! And the tips she provides will help in all areas of your life no matter what your goals are like getting healthy, improving your finances or relationships, finding a new career and more! Part 2:  Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda asks you to think about what you and your health are worth

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