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Bible Study with Jairus. Jairus means God gives light or Receiving light. In Mark Chapter 5, Jesus heals his daughter. Jesus told him Do not be afraid -- only believe. What an encouragement!
#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #基督徒 祷告分享会 2024 - 04 - 13 #堕胎后面的邪灵 #日食的天象
13/04/2024 Duração: 50min#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #基督徒 祷告分享会 2024-04-13 #堕胎后面的邪灵 #日食的天象
2024年4月12 早|News talk 题目: 马英九哭泣之旅 - 谈中国人的智慧以及台海前途 主持: 睚鲁 嘉宾: 文一 Eva龙腾
12/04/2024 Duração: 23min2024年4月12 早|News talk 题目: 马英九哭泣之旅 - 谈中国人的智慧以及台海前途 主持: 睚鲁 嘉宾: 文一 Eva龙腾
12/04/2024 Duração: 01h46min2024-04-11《战友来了》-第208期-爱之语-《界限》第三章:边界问题?(一)
#盾牌 第150期 #使徒行传 第二十一章:保罗最后一次到访耶路撒冷发生了什么? #圣经 #基督徒 #睚鲁 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 2024 - 04 - 09
09/04/2024 Duração: 01h32min#盾牌 第150期 #使徒行传 第二十一章:保罗最后一次到访耶路撒冷发生了什么? #圣经 #基督徒 #睚鲁 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 2024-04-09
#睚鲁有约 #空中活力排 #如何看待日食的天象 #睚鲁 主持,嘉宾: #天赐良知 #朱丽叶 #艳敏 2024 - 04 - 08 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦
09/04/2024 Duração: 01h13min#睚鲁有约 #空中活力排 #如何看待日食的天象 #睚鲁 主持,嘉宾: #天赐良知 #朱丽叶 #艳敏 2024-04-08 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦
06/04/2024 Duração: 08min睚鲁的祷告:亲爱的阿巴天父,主耶稣基督,你们是阿拉法,也是俄梅嘎。你是初又是终,而且在这章给我们看见美丽的图画,不仅天父和主耶稣基督都称“我是阿拉法,我是俄梅嘎;”然后圣灵和新妇也说:“来!凡口渴的都可以到我这里来!来白白得生命水喝!”请你赐给我们智慧和启示的灵,请你赐给我们饥渴慕义的心,让我们愿意到生命的水那里去喝。#bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #民主 #中国
06/04/2024 Duração: 14min大姐和睚鲁探讨了生命树可能是一棵树或多棵树的概念,代表着神的生命供应和人类对神的归属。而新耶路撒冷的街道被描述为由精金制成,象征着神的圣洁和公义。生命水流在街道中间,代表着圣灵的引导和恩膏,对人类生命的润泽。睚鲁表示圣灵的引导不会超越神的性情,而是在其范围内进行。通过生命水的润泽和生命树的果实,人们得以在基督里不断成长和变化,最终达到与神和羔羊同坐宝座的境界。#bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #民主 #中国
#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #基督徒 交通祷告会 #强森议长软弱了吗 第九期 2024 - 04 - 06 #圣经 #中国 #民主
06/04/2024 Duração: 01h01min#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #基督徒 交通祷告会 #强森议长软弱了吗 第九期 2024-04-06 #圣经 #中国 #民主
#盾牌 第149期 #启示录 第二十二章:你是否对在圣城 - -我们的天家里生活充满期待? 2024 - 04 - 06 #圣经 #睚鲁 #基督徒 #新中国联邦 #爆料革命
06/04/2024 Duração: 01h24min#盾牌 第149期 #启示录 第二十二章:你是否对在圣城--我们的天家里生活充满期待? 2024-04-06 #圣经 #睚鲁 #基督徒 #新中国联邦 #爆料革命
Bible Study With Jairus - Genesis 49 (Part 1)
05/04/2024 Duração: 20minAs the firstborn, Reuben was a sinner who had lost God's blessing. Benjamin, as the youngest son, received the following blessing: "The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety. The High God surrounds him all day long, and dwells between his shoulders" (Deuteronomy 33:12). Although this is Moses' prophecy about Benjamin, it reveals that Benjamin’s future would be blessed by God. Jerusalem and God’s temple are both located in the territory of Benjamin. Jerusalem later became the city of the great kings, the city of the temple, and the place where God was present. Benjamin foreshadowed the victory of Jesus Christ, who was the ultimate Temple where God would dwell among men. The name Benjamin means, "son of the right hand," and this reminds us that we who believe in Him will be built together into a holy temple. We will be stones in the New Jerusalem as we participate in the victorious experience of Jesus Christ's resurrection. The blessings given to the middle ten sons also represent the different stages of renewa
Bible Study With Jairus - Genesis 49 (Part 2)
05/04/2024 Duração: 19minWe can each see ourselves in the story of Reuben. Like Reuben, we were all born in sin. We are born with an adulterous nature. This cruel nature has dwelt in us since the time of Adam’s sin. Just like Adam's firstborn son Cain killed Abel, we have murderous tendencies like Simeon and Levi. But our repentance leads to salvation. In Psalm 51, David confessed that he was not only born in sin but that he had also murdered Uriah and committed adultery with Bathsheba. When David repented of his immorality and murder, his broken spirit and contrite heart became a pleasing sacrifice to God. “For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:16-17). In the same way, Reuben, Simeon, and Levi were saved when they repented, and Levi was put in charge of the sacrifices and priesthood. These acceptable sacrifices were the result of God’s salvation described i
#盾牌 第148期 #使徒行传 第二十章:保罗是如何展示一个真正牧者的动机、行动与慈爱?(2) #圣经 #睚鲁 #天赐良知 #Eagle G兼推流 2024 - 04 - 02 #基督徒 #爆料革命
02/04/2024 Duração: 01h28min#盾牌 第148期 #使徒行传 第二十章:保罗是如何展示一个真正牧者的动机、行动与慈爱?(2) #圣经 #睚鲁 #天赐良知 #Eagle G兼推流 2024-04-02 #基督徒 #爆料革命
2024年3月31日 晚 新中国联邦|新聞訪談:复活节 - 造物主赐给人类文明和永生的起点
01/04/2024 Duração: 01h45s2024年3月31日 晚 新中国联邦|新聞訪談:复活节-造物主赐给人类文明和永生的起点 在 #新中国联邦 我们践行 #新中国联邦宣言 中提到的信仰自由,我们几位 #基督徒 战友今晚在 新中国联邦-NFSCTV 的盖特平台直播 关于 #复活节 的节目。我们相信 #基督教 信仰一定会在中国普及,并且为中国的建设提供坚实的力量。我们提到了寻找信仰和上帝过程,就好像儿童寻找彩蛋一样。God hides his gift for us, not from us! #bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #民主 #中国
2024年3月22日 周五 News Talk 题目: 纳瓦罗入狱 班农呼吁上天主持公正 主持:睚鲁 嘉宾:文一 圣地雅歌
22/03/2024 Duração: 01h01min2024年3月22日 周五 News talk 题目: 纳瓦罗入狱 班农呼吁上天主持公正 主持:睚鲁 嘉宾:文一 圣地雅歌
Bible Study With Jairus - Acts 12 Part 2
21/03/2024 Duração: 17minIn this chapter, we see that God and Satan are engaged in a spiritual war over the spread of the gospel from Jerusalem to the Gentiles. Peter, Paul, Barnabas, and others are the tools used by God to accomplish God’s will. Herod, the people of Judea, and the Jewish religion became tools in the hands of Satan to attempt to persecute the servants of God and hinder or extinguish the spread of the gospel. When God killed Herod, he broke Satan's attempt to combine evil political forces with Jewish religious forces. This not only saved the lives of Peter, Paul, Barnabas, and others, but also allowed the Holy Spirit to reach the Gentiles.
Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 9)
21/03/2024 Duração: 19minOne of the biggest problems in the church is self. Many Christians have had a degree of success in living out the fruit of the Spirit and the virtues of Christ. But overcoming self is a different story. Overcoming selfishness is a very difficult spiritual task, yet it is an indispensable step to reaching maturity in our spiritual lives. Only when we break away from self can we begin to show brotherly love. Only then can we live out the highest spiritual virtue of Christians, divine love (Agape).
Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 8)
21/03/2024 Duração: 19minEvery Christian is destined to live out the virtues of Christ. The Bible teaches us, "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers" (Romans 8:29). Since we are children of God, we must look and act like children of God. But if it’s difficult to even act like well-behaved human beings, how can we act like children of God? That’s why we need Jesus Christ, the firstborn Son of God, as our example. More importantly, He is our substitute and our very life. He lived the perfect life and he now lives his life through us.
20/03/2024 Duração: 20min睚鲁谈中国大复兴之后要倒输欧洲和美国,以及帮助美国脱离堕落。这段对话首先探讨了一个基督徒因对神学的过度追求而放弃信仰的故事,以及对自由派神学和保守派神学的平衡观点。睚鲁指出,过度追求灵性或理性都会导致偏离真理,而平衡是关键。他提到了中国大复兴的预示和中国基督徒在欧洲和美国福音传播中的使命,帮助他们脱离堕落,以及强调了新人的齐聚和神的应许。此外,他也提到了信心和预备的重要性。最后,他引用了一句启示,鼓励人们不要焦虑,相信神的荣耀必将彰显。#bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #民主 #中国 我最近在写这个中国大复兴、主给我的异象的书,初稿快写完了,其中我不仅用了一段,在文革时期有一个弟兄叫叶乃光,网上搜索一下可搜到的,他这个农民基督徒常常去灵修祷告,那么据说祷告中得着了很多异象,他也写了一个漭山灵修记,反正这个人也算是一个先知。本来中国这种有先知性恩赐的人不多,至少在文革中,也许有人有经历但没有记录下来,特别是中国的逼迫让这种传播受到了限制。他的是记录下来了一些。那他就说到他对一个弟兄说,我们中国教会有希望吗?他说大有希望,一个天使对他显现说新人不齐、新日不到,但是哈利路亚,这个神的好荣耀,大概这个意思。他的意思就是说神告诉他、启示他在中国有分为几个阶段,首先是在文革时是严重逼迫、把教会拆毁、把所有那些不是出于神的建造都拆毁,拆毁之后在中国会兴起一批新人,这批新人不齐的时候新日不到,就是神的新的工作不到。他下一句是第三句,就是义人何必心焦,哈利路亚,何等荣耀。他意思就是说新人不齐,新日不到,义人何必心焦,哈利路亚,何等荣耀,就是天使告诉他说今天是拆毁的时候,整个所有不是出于神的工作、自以为是的工人全部拆毁,但是神兴起一批新人、一个集体的新人,这个新人产生之后,新人就到,新人就到了之后,中国的福音就进入下一个阶段,拆毁之后就是重建,重建之后就是倒输。就是文革的时候,神启示叶乃光福音要从中国倒输,倒输到福音已经堕落的欧洲和美国,所以整个他这个启示就是这么一连串的。就是从文革的时候,神已经有启示一些中国的逼迫中的信徒。#bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #民主 #中国
Daily Verse With Jairus March 19 2024.MP3
20/03/2024 Duração: 59sDaily Verse With Jairus March 19 2024. First Samuel chapter 2 verse 1. And Hannah prayed and said, “My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth derides my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation. I have some similar experiences with Hannah from being barren to have a child. So I totally understand Hannah's heart. Her heart is full of praise with emotion and with will, to fight for the enemy as with our mind, our mouths to proclaim the the joy in the Lord. So let's rejoice in our salvation. #bible #christianity #jesus #biblestudy #dailyversewithjairus #blestudywithjairus
20/03/2024 Duração: 58s睚鲁每日经文2024年3月19日,撒母耳记上第二章第一节,哈拿祷告说,我的心因耶和华欢腾,我的角因耶和华高举,我的口像仇敌张开,因为我以耶和华的救恩为乐,因为一些经历,我特别能够理解哈拿的这种祷告。她从不孕从到这个多子多福,真的是一个非常伟大的突破。所以她的祷告很有意思,我的心因耶和华欢腾,说到我们的情感,我们角因耶和华高举,可能说到我们的意志,我们的口像仇敌啊张开,可以说到我们的心思。我们这个属灵的争战,整个我们灵魂身体都在这里,而且以耶和华的救恩为乐。 #圣经 #睚鲁 #BIBLE #CHRISTIAN #基督徒 #睚鲁每日经文 #睚鲁的圣经世界 #撒母耳记上