
Bible Study With Jairus - Genesis 49 (Part 1)



As the firstborn, Reuben was a sinner who had lost God's blessing. Benjamin, as the youngest son, received the following blessing: "The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety. The High God surrounds him all day long, and dwells between his shoulders" (Deuteronomy 33:12). Although this is Moses' prophecy about Benjamin, it reveals that Benjamin’s future would be blessed by God. Jerusalem and God’s temple are both located in the territory of Benjamin. Jerusalem later became the city of the great kings, the city of the temple, and the place where God was present. Benjamin foreshadowed the victory of Jesus Christ, who was the ultimate Temple where God would dwell among men. The name Benjamin means, "son of the right hand," and this reminds us that we who believe in Him will be built together into a holy temple. We will be stones in the New Jerusalem as we participate in the victorious experience of Jesus Christ's resurrection. The blessings given to the middle ten sons also represent the different stages of renewa