With Patience and Fortitude

  • Autor: Christine Quinn
  • Narrador: Christina Delaine
  • Editora: HarperCollins USA
  • Duração: 5:59:35


Christine Quinn's improbable journeybegan long before she becameNew York City's second-most-powerfulelected official. The granddaughter of Irishimmigrants—including a grandmother whoescaped the sinking Titanic when most teenagegirls in steerage perished—Christinelearned early in life that challenges aremeant to be met and overcome, and thatthey are ever present but surmountable.

Christine's seemingly idyllic childhood—a time that was filled with every imaginablelesson from ballet and painting to swimmingand horseback riding—wasn't at allwhat it appeared to be. A cancer diagnosisleft Christine's mother fighting for her lifeand harboring a single wish: to see herbeloved little girl through grade school. Shelived more years than she'd dared hope for,but her decade-long battle with breast cancer,kept largely secret, cast a deep shadowover young Christine's life.

At sixteen, left without a mother, Christinebegan carving her own path. Inspired by herparents' example of service—and drawing onfavorite childhood books about pioneerslike Marie Curie and Frederick Douglass—Christine set her sights on work that wouldhelp make a difference in the world. Yetshe bore secrets of her own that she wouldultimately have to face, coming of age in aworld where both women and gay peoplehad no choice but to fight for their dreams.Over time she met those obstacles, bothpersonal and professional, with more fortitudethan patience.

In a strikingly intimate and forthright memoir,Christine Quinn demonstrates that life'schallenges can provide the fuel that drives usto be our better selves and, in turn, inspires usto reach out to those who need a helping hand.


  • 001 With Patience and Fortitude

    Duração: 14s
  • 002 Prelude

    Duração: 04min
  • 003 Chapter 01

    Duração: 22min
  • 004 Chapter 02

    Duração: 20min
  • 005 Chapter 03

    Duração: 29min
  • 006 Chapter 04

    Duração: 13min
  • 007 Chapter 05

    Duração: 24min
  • 008 Chapter 06

    Duração: 30min
  • 009 Chapter 07

    Duração: 23min
  • 010 Chapter 08

    Duração: 12min
  • 011 Chapter 09

    Duração: 18min
  • 012 Chapter 10

    Duração: 24min
  • 013 Chapter 11

    Duração: 31min
  • 014 Chapter 12

    Duração: 32min
  • 015 Chapter 13

    Duração: 20min
  • 016 Chapter 14

    Duração: 14min
  • 017 Chapter 15

    Duração: 25min
  • 018 Chapter 16

    Duração: 09min
  • 019 Credits

    Duração: 33s
  • sample

    Duração: 01min