Askdeveloper Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 129:53:05
  • Mais informações



Weekly Podcast discussing the Egyptian IT industry, and various other technology related topics ,


  • EP94 - AskDeveloper Podcast - كيف تصل الانترنت لآخر 2 مليار شخص في العالم - مع سامر الصالحي

    08/01/2025 Duração: 01h35min

    لقاءنا اليوم حنتكلم عن تحديات توصيل خدمات الانترنت لكل الناس على كوكب الأرض, و ازاي تقنيات زي الانترنت الفضائي تقدر تساعدنا اننا نوصلهم ضيفي اليوم المهندس سامر الصالحي Samer Salhi is an experienced technology professional with over 20 years in the field, currently serving as a Senior Program Manager at Nokia in Washington, U.S. He specializes in managing complex, cross-functional projects in cloud, IoT, and AI technologies. Samer is pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration with a focus on Business Intelligence, enhancing his strategic and analytical skills to improve program performance and profitability. His career is marked by multiple certifications, publications, and awards, showcasing his expertise and leadership in the technology sector. He also values networking and sharing insights on technological trends and innovations

  • EP92 - AskDeveloper Podcast - من السيرفر الى السحابة - حنجيب سيرة قواعد البيانات مع أحمد عياد

    17/11/2024 Duração: 01h21min

    لو خطر في بالك قبل كده ليه عندنا كل قواعد البيانات دي, و ليه فيه منهم انواع مختلفة DBMS, NOSQL و غيرهم, طيب الناس اللي بتشتغل على الحاجات دي ايه التحديات اللي بيواجهوها, و ايه التخصص ده و ايه المتطلبات بتاعته. Ahmed Ayad is a SQL Engineer by trade, a database guy by education and training, and data dude by passion. I am currently an Engineering Director of the Managed Storage and Workload Management team in Google #BigQuery, building the best large scale enterprise data warehouse on the planet. My team owns the core parts of BigQuery involved in managing user data, metadata catalog, streaming and batch ingestion, replication, resource management and placement, physical sharding, and structured lake analytics. Over the years we have: - Grew data under management by several orders of magnitude. - Grew BigQuery's global footprint to more than 20+ regions and counting. - Enabled the hyper scaling of data analytics for a Who's Who list of Fortune 500 users, both Enterprise and Cloud-native. I am passionate ab

  • EP93 - AskDeveloper Podcast - حنجيب سيرة ال PM's مع مروة عبد الدايم

    17/11/2024 Duração: 01h31min

    فيه أدوار كثيرة في شركات البرمجيات بتندرج تحت اطار ال PM سواء ال Program Management, Project Management, Product Management و فيه مشتركات كثير بينهم و فيه اختلافات جوهرية برضه بينهم. حنتناقش عن ده و حاجات تانية كثير مع ضيفتي المهندسة مروة عبد الدايم Marwa Abdeldayem Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Strategic and visionary Product Management leader with over 14 years of experience, distinguished for driving product success and customer satisfaction on a scale. Expert in orchestrating cross-organizational strategies and leading teams to exceed divisional goals and OKRs. Renowned for fostering a culture of resilience, collaboration, and innovation to deliver exceptional product and customer experiences.

  • EP85 - Ask Developer Podcast - ازاي تختار الكورسات الحقيقية و تبعد عن النصب - مع محمد مشرف

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h27min

    النهاردة حيشرفني بشمهنىس محمد مشرف, و هو من أقدم ضيوف البودكاست و من الناس اللي ليهم بصمة في مجال التقنية في مصر, و له خبرات كثير في مجالات مختلفة و أدوار مختلفة في شركات التقنية, و مقدم محتوى تقني بأشكال مختلفة. حنتكلم النهاردة سوا عن ازاي تفرق بين كورس برمجة أو تقنية حقيقي و مفيد, و بين كورسات السبوبة, و تبعد عن النصب و النصابين.

  • EP86 - AskDeveloper Podcast - قصة اللغة العربية مع البرمجيات مع المهندس أسامة بيومي

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h25min

    موعدنا مع موضوع يهم المطورين العرب بشكل خاص, و هو كيف تجعل برمجياتك تتعامل بسلاسة مع اللغة العربية, و التحديات التي واجهت اللغة العربية في تاريخ البرمجيات و أنظمة التشغيل المختلفة. و ضيفنا في حلقة اليوم المهندس أسامة بيومي, و هو من الرواد في مجال التعريب و اسهاماته في تطوير التكنولوجيا اللازمة في التعريب داخل كل نظام تشغيل حتى هذا اليوم.

  • EP87 - AskDeveloper Podcast - كيف تبني استراتيجية للذكاء الصناعي مع د لمياء يوسف

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h28min

    في لقاء اليوم حنكمل حديثنا عن الذكاء الصناعي, و النهاردة في لقاءنا مع د لمياء يوسف حنتكلم عن سؤال الذكاء الصناعي اللي بيواجه أغلب المؤسسات و الشركات حالياً و ازاي بيتم تطوير استراتيجيات الذكاء الصناعي للاجابة عن السؤال ده. Dr. Lamia Youseff has been working in AI / ML / Cloud for ~25 years, in both Executive AI Engineering roles at BigTech (Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook) and in research positions in academia (MIT, Stanford, UCSB). Most notably, she is one of the founding engineers of Google Cloud (GCP), an $10B+ ARR Product for Google. Recently at Apple, she led a multi-billion-dollar revenue-generating AI product as Director of AI engineering, leading a team of 150 AI and MLops engineers. Before that, she led Facebook's ML Platform, used for AI workloads across all Facebook family of products. She is also a founding engineer of Google Cloud and a former principal at Microsoft Azure. She is currently the CEO of JazzComputing, an AI Advisory firm, a visiting research scientist at Stanford University

  • EP88 - AskDeveloper Podcast - الكريبتو و المعاملات المالية الاسلامية مع محمد فودة

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h24min

    Dr. Mohamed Fouda has been researching, operating and investing in the crypto space since 2017. He is currently the Chief Product Officer at InshAllah Network and a Venture Partner at Volt Capital. Previously, he was the head of research at Alliance, the leading Web 3 accelerator and a co-founder of a semiconductor startup. Dr. Fouda has a PhD in Engineering from Northwestern University. Twitter: Research:

  • EP89 - AskDeveloper Podcast - لقاء بمناسبة الوصول ل 100 ألف مشترك في Egyptian Geeks

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h06min

    نحتفل النهاردة معاكم بحدث استثنائي في مشوار EgyptianGeeks, جروبنا وصل لـ ١٠٠ ألف عضو

  • EP90 - AskDeveloper Podcast - الفروق بين دول أوربا و أمريكا و كندا و ايه اللي تتوقعه - مع نشأت سليمان

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h26min

    في حلقة اليوم حنناقش سؤال متكرر من ناس كثير بتفكر في السفر و هو ايه اللي يتوقعوه في الدول دي من ناحية الشغل و السوق و الحياة و الهجرة, و ايه الفروق الكبيرة بينهم. حيشرفني النهارة بشمهندس نشأت سليمان و هو عنده خبرة شخصية في العمل و الاقامة و في الدول دي, و حيقدر يجاوب على التساؤلات دي من خلال خبرته الشخصية Nashaat Soliman is a seasoned technology professional with a diverse career spanning multiple continents and industries. He began his journey in Egypt, earning an electrical engineering degree from Ain Shams University and an M.Sc. from Helwan University. Soliman's career took an international turn when he moved to Canada to join a startup specializing in satellite receiver technology. There, he transitioned from firmware development to product management, gaining valuable experience in the tech industry. Seeking new challenges, Soliman relocated to Seattle to work at Microsoft. He contributed to the OS kernel group, where he played a pivotal role in porting Windows to ARM architecture. This groundbreaking

  • EP91 - AskDeveloper Podcast - هل ممكن الذكاء الصناعي يساعد العلماء مع وليد عمار

    22/10/2024 Duração: 01h04min

    Bridger (Waleed) Ammar, PhD Dr. Ammar is an educator, engineer, research scientist, author, and a business owner. Before founding HIGG, Dr. Ammar was a senior research scientist at Google, where he helped develop transformer-based models for generating DNA sequences based on PacBio long-reads which significantly reduced variant-calling errors [Nature Biotech'22]. He also helped develop task-oriented dialog systems which are more robust to disfluencies, code-switching and user revisions [arXiv'23]. Prior to joining Google, Dr. Ammar led the Semantic Scholar research team's efforts to develop ML-based methods to facilitate access to the literature [e.g., NAACL 19], build a knowledge graph of the scientific literature [NAACL'18], and use this wealth of information to identify systemic social problems in science [JAMA'19]. He also led the product team for the Semantic Scholar APIs in 2023. Dr. Ammar occasionally teaches courses at UW linguistics and UW Computer Science as a visiting lecturer. In 2016, he earned

  • Ask Developer Podcast - 84 - ازاي توصل للشركات العالمية مع منارة

    04/07/2024 Duração: 52min

    منارة هي أكبر مجتمع لمهندسي البرمجة في الشرق الاوسط و منصة متخصصة لتدريب المبرمجين على انهم ينجحوا في انترفيوهات أكبر شركات التقنية العالمية ي جوجل و ميتا و امازون و غيرهم. للتقديم: Objective: Encourage as many software engineers in MENA to Sign Up Today to our Free self-paced programs that will prepare them to pass interviews at Global Tech companies & startups. What does Manara do? We provide free self-paced programs to MENA software engineers to prepare them to pass interviews at Global & Regional tech companies & startups. We have 100+ hiring partners mostly in the USA & Europe who hire from our graduates pool all year long because they trust our vetting process. We have placed 300+ software engineers in companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, Apple, Qualtrics, Noon, Careem & many more. We are MENA’s #1 community for software engineers. You will be motivated to develop your skills within a like-minded community and then stay motivated with them during your job search! In this epis

  • EP83 - AskDeveloper Podcast - ازاي أحسن ال Soft Skills

    17/12/2023 Duração: 02h10min

    ازاي تحسن ال Soft Skills بتاعتك مع أحمد عصام, أحمد الامام, أحمد الألفى و محمد الشريف Most important soft skills Communication Collaboration Problem-solving Critical thinking Adaptability Time management Attention to detail Analytical skills Creativity Continuous learning Teamwork Documentation & Technical writing skills Empathy Decision-making Leadership (for senior roles) Conflict resolution (for team dynamics) Presentation skills

  • EP82 - AskDeveloper Podcast - أعمل ايه في الانترفيو؟

    17/12/2023 Duração: 02h48min

    لقاء يجمع بين أحمد الألفي, أحمد الإمام و أحمد عصام و محمد الشريف حنتكلم فيه عن الانترفيوهات و نعمل فيها ايه؟

  • EP81 - AskDeveloper Podcast - الذكاء الصناعي و تأثيره على المجتمع مع د وليد عمار

    11/08/2023 Duração: 01h30min

    المرة دي حندردش مع د وليد عمار عن الذكاء الصناعي و تأثيره على المجتمع, د وليد من خبراء الذكاء الصناعي و من اللي اشتغلوا في المجال سواء من أكثر من زاوية, سواء من زاوية الأكاديميا و البحث العلمي, أو من الناحية التطبيقية و العملية. - Did scientific innovation (eg, AI) improve our lives? - How does early stage scientific innovation translate into economic progress? - Can AI be used to build more advanced weapon? - Who is in charge? Waleed Ammar is the co-founder of a mission-driven AI startup and a product manager at the Allen Institute for Artificial intelligence (AI2). Before rejoining AI2 this year, Waleed was a senior research scientist at Google, where he helped develop transformer-based models for generating DNA sequences based on PacBio long-reads which significantly reduced variant-calling errors [Nature Biotech'22]. He also helped develop task-oriented dialog systems which are more robust to disfluencies, code-switching and user revisions [arXiv'23]. Prior to joining Google, Waleed led the Semantic Sc

  • EP80 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Software Architecture

    09/07/2023 Duração: 01h25min

    لقاء بين محمد الشريف و أحمد الإمام عن معمارية البرمجيات اللقاء بالفيديو

  • EP79 - AskDeveloper Podcast - ازاي يبقى عندنا شركات ناشئة أكثر مع جورج الخوري

    20/05/2023 Duração: 01h18min

    What it will take to have the middle east region create more startups: 1. Entrepreneurs and avoid the fear of failures 2. Infrastructure (internet, electricity, payments) 3. Education 4. Investments 5. Social connector (this is an important one - almost always ignored - Geekwire used to this in Seattle, etc..) 6. Exits. Hard to in our region with less M&A and IPOs but they will come with time. 7. Alumnis network of successful startups Georges is a software engineer that worked previously at Microsoft, Uber and Airbnb. He is currently helping startups, writing a technical newsletter at and teaching a cohort based software engineering course at maven:

  • EP78 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Fundamentals of Data Engineering with Joe Reis

    19/03/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    Mohamed Elsherif and Mohamed Hassan, will be leading the discussion and posing thought-provoking questions to Joe Reis. Get ready to be inspired and learn from the best in the business! Whether you're a seasoned data engineer or just starting out on your journey, this is an opportunity to gain invaluable insights and knowledge from someone who has truly made an impact in the field. You'll walk away with a newfound appreciation for the art and science of data engineering and a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. So, what are you waiting for? RSVP now and secure your spot for this exciting event! We can't wait to see you there. For more information about Joe Reis, please visit

  • EP77 - Ask Developer Podcast - مابين الاستثمار و القمار و النصب - حنجيب سيرة الفلوس

    12/02/2023 Duração: 01h51min

    النهاردة حنتكلم عن موضوع يهم كل الناس مش بس المبرمجين, حنتكلم عن الفلوس, ازاي تحافظ عليها, ازاي ما يضحكش عليك, و امتى تبدأ تفكر تستثمر, و ازاي تفرق بين الاستثمار و بين الرهان و القمار و النصب. حنجيب سيرة مواضيع كثير عن البنوك و البورصة و الكريبتو و العقارات و غيرهم. حلقة النهاردة حتبقى دردشة بين محمد الشريف و محمد هلال محمد هلال بيتكلم عن الاستثمار في قناته Egypt Coin و على حسابه النشط في تويتر محمد الشريف مهندس برمجيات و مهتم بالبرمجة و بالتقنية و الاستثمار

  • EP76 - AskDeveloper Podcast - بعتني بكام يا عشري - عن موجة التسريحات في شركات التكنولوجيا

    05/02/2023 Duração: 01h26min

    حلقة جديدة مشتركة بين Ask Developer و بودكاست مبرمجي الأرياف عن موجة تسريح موظفي التكنولوجيا في العالم بسبب الأزمة المالية العالمية تابع بودكاست من يسمع هموم مبرمجي الأرياف تابع أحمد طلبة

  • EP75 - AskDeveloper Podcast - API Security with Ahmed Elemam

    21/01/2023 Duração: 01h10s

    دردشة مع المهندس أحمد الامام عن موضوع ال API Security و التحديات المختلفة في اختيار أنسب الوسائل لتفادي المشاكل الأمنية المختلفة قناة المهندس أحمد الامام Our facebook Page On Sound Cloud Please Like & Subscribe

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