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LA 026: The Two Enemies to Your Success-and How to Defeat Them



FEAR is the number one reason that people neverachieve their breakthrough to success. Yes, we can blame otherpeople for not giving us the chance. We can lament that we took thewrong course. We can express concern about the uncertainty ofobtaining that success, and maybe, just maybe I'll look stupid.In short, our fear comes down to two enemies. Ouruncertain future and our excuses from the past. Or. More simply:"what if" and "If only". What if/If onlyWhen you have a goal worth achieving, you will needto achieve breakthroughs.Breakthroughs that take you outside of your comfortzone and going outside your comfort zone is fearful. So what can you do to ensure that you create thenecessary breakthroughs that will lead to your dramatictransformation?And we have to conquer two enemies: “What if” and “IfOnly”And each requires you to do two things:Take courageGet off your ‘but’ Take courageLet me share a brief personal story:Known as the Swiss Wall, La Chavanette at Avoriaz isone of the most dangerous ski slopes in the w