God Is Not Fair?

32: How to manage unpleasant past?



Everyone has a past and that troubles us terribly. The more we try to run away from it, the tougher it gets and the memories of past haunt us. The human body is a giant repository of memories and the only way we can handle our past is by managing the memories available with us.We mostly deal with two types of memories: first that we are born with and the second those we acquire during our life. When we are an infant, no one teaches us good smell or bad smell or hot or cold but we certainly know how to react to them. When we grow up, we acquire a lot of memories in terms of knowledge (at school/ college/ home etc) but when we mature, we have a huge amount of memories to deal with and somewhere we get lost.Listen to this podcast to learn why we should not run from our past and how to handle it. I'll see you next Monday.Jai HindVivek