God Is Not Fair?

40: Light at the other end...



Hi Friends,Thank you so much for your love and support. I'm grateful to you.Today, I have brought the story of SAM to you who had gone through rape in her life and has been a victim of self-harm. The noteworthy and commendable thing is that she has overcome her trauma and doing well in life. It had not been easy but she has managed it by taking professional help at the right time and making herself stronger than ever. Self-harm is not only about making an injury in the body. Smoking in stress/ depression, Alcoholism, substance exposure, starving ourselves, not talking to anyone followed by a fight and much more... they all are a form of self-harm.  Life is always about choice. What we chose in our good or bad times, determines how we'll live our life.Do listen to this inspiring story and share your feedback.Jai HindVivek