Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Why safe havens are no longer safe



Today is my 50th birthday! With the major indices down across the board, I want to answer a few more questions from listeners about this volatile market. I cover why safe havens aren’t so safe anymore… whether it’s worth investing overseas right now… if Walmart and other big names are buys after massive pullbacks… why the metaverse is far from just a fad… and who I see as the winner in the electric vehicle (EV) market (hint: it’s not Tesla). In this episode: Why the market’s safe havens are getting hit [0:35] “Is there any interest in investing in emerging markets?” [4:25]  “Should you buy Walmart on this pullback?” [13:25]  “Is the metaverse a fad?” [27:32] “Is Tesla the clear EV winner?” [39:50]  Enjoyed this episode? Get Wall Street Unplugged delivered FREE to your inbox every Wednesday: https://www.curzioresearch.com/wall-street-unplugged/ Wall Street Unplugged podcast is available at: --: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-unplugged-frank/ -- : https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/curzio-resea