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Ep. 550: Frankly Speaking: A List of Hurricane Trades For Next Season



A list of hurricane trades for next season… How to avoid artificial selling… What’s moving gold today… One of my favorite lessons from Jim Cramer…   “I’m guilty of holding on to my losers for too long… and cutting my winners short. What’s the best strategy on when to sell?” – James [00:48]  “What’s the easiest way for investors to get in early, ahead of everyone else, on short-term events like hurricanes?” – Joe [09:07]  “If the brink of war with North Korea isn’t moving gold or silver much… shouldn’t we look elsewhere?” – Todd [17:59]  “What’s the best entrance strategy: Taking full positions immediately?… or scaling in?” – Jamison [22:56] As always, thanks to everyone who participated. Ask me anything by emailing me at  (with “Frankly Speaking” in the subject line). You never know, your question may be the one I read on the next podcast! Good Investing, Frank Curzio