Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Why Hip Impingement Shouldn't Automatically Mean Surgery



If you've got hip pain that keeps you from doing stuff you want to do, one of the diagnoses you might get is femoroacetabular impingement, or FAI. Which basically means the bones that make up your hip joint aren't the "right" shape. So they cause you problems when you move in certain ways.If you ask an orthopedic surgeon what to do about it, there's a good chance they'll recommend surgery. Literally shaving down your bones to make them fit together better.Which leaves a lot of people wondering if there's a less invasive option.In this episode Jarlo talks with Shane Dowd and Matt Hsu of the FAI Fix guys. They discuss Shane's journey of getting diagnosed with FAI and searching for non-surgical ways to get moving again. Together he and Matt created a system of assessment and treatment that helps you get back to the activities you love without surgery.Episode transcript and additional notesSupport the show (
