The Ancientwisdomofthefeminine's Podcast

The Golden Era: The Sacred Dance of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine



"Are you willing to accept the love of the feminine? And that love that will heal you. That love that is deep inside of you, that is coming forward and bringing a big transmutation within yourself. That it's gonna bring that beautiful healing that you need in your mind and begin to accept the love of the woman as she is. Every woman, my brother in your life have been your teachers of love. Those teachers have been showing the way. Those teachers have the power to create a whole new reality. If you begin to make a journey of all the women in your life all the way to your mother and begin to see what messages they brought for you about love. The same way I am asking the women to make the journey thorough all the men in your life - you will see that the messages are all linked together with that emotional body. Love is beautiful. It was never meant to be a painful thing. It is always beautiful and always an adventure and always new. When you begin to see that incredible love you will stop needing anyone. You wil