Training & Coaching Lifestyle with John Spencer Ellis

The TRUTH about my background



THE TRUTH ABOUT MY BACKGROUND: (maybe not what you think) I like to share and inspire you in a variety of ways (videos, emails, posts, podcasts, events, etc). I'm grateful to live a very full and fun life, but........ it wasn't always like that. THE TRUTH is that I barely graduated from high school, and I'm challenged with dyslexia, color blindness and ADD. The trifecta, huh? In the 6th grade, I was reading at a 3rd grade level. Both of my parents worked very hard until their retirement. Neither went to college.   I grew up very middle class. I started my business June 1, 1992. I only had $2,000 to my name, and I burned through it very fast. I didn't have enough money to buy a bed, so I slept on the floor of my studio apartment for months. I really didn't have much money for food either. I'd buy rice, potatoes, and cereal from Costco because I could save 80% buying in bulk. I wouldn't use the A/C so I could save money. On rare occasion, I would get a coupon for all-you-can-eat at Sizzler for $4. And, I'd brin