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How To Improve As A Programmer - DONT WRITE MORE CODE READ MORE


Sinopse – I built a course to get your first job in web development, or upgrade from Junior to mid-level. All done over email for your convenience. How do you grow as a programmer? It's a tough topic. Coding helps, certainly, BUT the Edge Effect has a power that is beyond belief. Don't doubt the power of reading, in seemingly unrelated areas, and how it will impact your day to day skillset. In this video I break down EXACTLY what books to start reading, and different genres of books you should be checking out. Have a great day. ❤️ ya. ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO US BELOW: ★☆★ YouTube: iTunes Web Dev Show: ★☆★ FOLLOW US BELOW: ★☆★ My twitter: Start Here twitter: