The Champions' Cast - Zelda Dungeon Podcast

Episode 99 - Does Breath of the Wild 2 Release in 2020, and If Not, What Does?



We are so close to Episode 100 I can taste it! Don't forget - March 14th, 7 Pacific, 10 Eastern, The Champions' Cast LIVE celebrating 100 episodes! In the mean time, we are joined by the Omega Metroid Podcast's Dakota Lasky as we talk what fills out the rest of Nintendo's 2020 lineup and look at some similarities between Breath of the Wild and Metroid Prime 4! Make sure you come hang out with us Friday, and check out the Omega Metroid Podcast in the meantime!     Follow the Champions’ Cast on Twitter:   Andy Spiteri – @Spiteri316 Kevin O’Rourke – @Shabazzle Alasyn Eletha – @AlasynEletha Dakota Lasky - @TheRapture_ Omega Metroid Podcast - @OmegaMetroidPod