The Champions' Cast - Zelda Dungeon Podcast

Episode 147 - What Improvments Should Be Made in a Skyward Sword HD Port and Other Daily Debates Answered



What's up everyone?! Come hang out with us this week as Andy and Al give their two cents on some of the biggest Daily Debates the Zelda Dungeon writing team out together over the last few months. What improvements need to happen in a Skyward Sword HD? What's our favorite dungeon theme? What games do we wish would have had more development time? And should those sus Anouki ever grace us with their presence again? All this and so much more! PLUS, we got two weeks of Oracle content coming at you the next couple weeks, so stay tuned for that!   Follow the Champions’ Cast on Twitter: Andy Spiteri – @Spiteri316 Alasyn Eletha – @AlasynEletha