Reels & Wheels

Damnation Alley with James Roach - Reels and Wheels



The apocalypse happens. Jan-Michael Vincent is pretty chill about it. George Peppard suggests driving from southern California to Albany, New York in an armored all-terrain vehicle. They do that. Movie over. Improv comic and movie buff James Roach joins James and Sid to talk about Damnation Alley, a movie where NOTHING HAPPENS. Enjoy long scenes where a guy shaves and discusses the rotation for taking showers? No? Neither does anyone. Damnation Alley is bad. It's worse than a BattleTruck/Killdozer marathon. Listen to this podcast instead of watching it. Find us online @ReelsandWheels, @S2KJames, @SidBridgeComedy - Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and be sure to comment, thanks!