Kelly's Talkshow

How to build confidence如何建立自信



1. Stand tall 站直A tall upright posture can increase confidence-boosting hormones in your body and make you feel more powerful.站直的姿势可以增加你的身体里自信的荷尔蒙,让你感觉更强大。2. Listen to upbeat music 听欢快的音乐3. Groom yourself and dress for success 将自己打扮成成功的样子Make an effort to put yourself together: take a shower, get a clean shave, put some makeup on.费点心思收拾一下自己:洗个澡,刮刮胡子,化点小妆。4. Learn a new language 学一门新语言Learning a new language sharpens cognitive skills, which can make you feel more confident.学习一门新语言可以加强认知技能,让自己感觉更自信。BackGround Music:Bulletproof Picasso  Artists:Train