Kelly's Talkshow

Today’s book《OPTION B》



Her new book, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy – co-authored with psychologist and friend Adam Grant. 她的新书,《B选项:如何面对困境、建立坚韧、找到幸福》是她与心理学家好友Adam Grant合著的。The book posits that it’s helpful to think of resilience like a muscle that can weaken between periods of adversity.这本书认为坚韧就像肌肉,它会在逆境中力量减弱。We need to cut ourselves some slack when times get tough, as none of us are immune to heartbreak and misfortune.没有人能免于心痛和不幸,所以当遇到困境时,我们需要放自己一马、对自己宽容一些。We should also be better prepared when we go through hardships or have to process a painful event.当我们经历艰难困苦或必须处理痛苦的情绪时,我们也应该做好充分的准备。 BackGround Music:Beautiful days  Artists:オルゴール