Kelly's Talkshow

Brand stories Lonely Planet 品牌故事之孤独星球



In 1972, when newlyweds Tony and Maureen Wheeler traveled from Europe to India, along what was called the Hippie Trail, they had little to guide them.1972年,当新婚夫妇Tony和Maureen Wheeler从欧洲到印度旅行的时候, 当时这条路线被称作嬉皮士之路,旅行导游书籍少得可怜。Travel books in those days were stale reads, providing exhaustive details on historical sites with little mention of the things that young, independent and budget-conscious travellers were seeking: beaches, bars and hostels.那个年代的旅行书大多是沉闷的读物,提供巨细靡遗的历史遗迹信息。但是很少提及年轻人、独立旅行者、和预算有限的游客所关心的信息,例如海滩、酒吧和青年旅社。After so many young people inquired about their trip, the Wheelers wrote "South East Asia on a Shoestring" which quickly became the backpackers' bible.在很多年轻人询问他们的旅程后,Wheeler夫妇写下了《勒紧裤腰带游东南亚》一书。并很快成为背包客的旅行圣经。The book eventually evolved into Lonely Planet, the world's most beloved travel guidebooks informing and inspiring travellers around the globe.这本书最终演变为《孤独的星球》,即全球最受欢迎的旅行指南丛书。它影响并激励了世界各地的旅行者。Ever wondered where Lonely Planet got its name? It actually started as a mistake when Tony Wheeler misheard a