Kelly's Talkshow

looking for a roommate 合租找室友



Hey Leah, do you know anyone who is looking for a place to rent?嘿 Leah,你认识的人有没有想租房子的?No, but I can ask around. Are you looking for a roommate?没听说,但我可以帮你打听一下。 你在找室友吗?Yes, I'd like someone to help me split the costs.是的,我希望能有个人帮我分摊费用。Good idea. How much is the rent?好主意。 房租是多少?It's $600 a person, plus utilities and internet. Oh, and it's month-to-month.一人600美元,再加上水电费和网费。 哦,而且这房子是按月租的。Ok. And are the kitchen and bathrooms shared or separate?好的。 厨房和浴室是共用的还是独立的?Shared. So, I'd like to find someone who is clean and quiet.共用的。 所以我想找一个爱干净而且安静的人。I'm with you on that one. But, what about rules?我也是这么想的。 不过,你有什么规定吗?Only two: take turns cleaning and keep it down after 11.只有两个:轮流打扫卫生,以及11点之后保持安静。Alright. I'll let you know if anyone is interested.好的。 如果有人有兴趣,我会转告你的。GRAMMAR | 语法 The phrasal verb “to ask around” means to ask many different people. You can imagine that your group of friends and colleagues are in a circle, and that you are going around to each of them to ask the same question. 短语动词“ask around”的意思是询问许多不同的人。 你可以想象你