Kelly's Talkshow

Planning a surprise birthday party 策划一个充满惊喜的生日派对



Whether you are planning a party for your own birthday, or you are helping a friend plan theirs, these steps will help you stay on track throughout the process.无论你是为自己的生日计划派对,还是帮朋友准备生日派对,以下的这些步骤都能帮你顺利策划整个流程。1. Budget 预算Remember to try and be realistic about the budget. Your budget doesn't have to be huge, especially because there are so many DIY decorations and activities you can do for the party.做预算时要现实一点。预算不一定要很多,你可以自己动手为聚会做装饰品,举行各种各样的活动。2. Theme 主题If you are planning your own party you are in luck! You can pick whatever theme you want. Whatever you choose, try to make the theme consistent throughout the party. Try to incorporate it into food, decor, and invitations.如果你是为自己举办聚会,那你就走运了!你可以选择任何自己想要的主题。无论选择什么主题,试着让整个聚会风格保持一致。食物、装饰和邀请函中都融入本次聚会的主题。3. Date 日期Picking a weekend can be a good option because people will most likely be free of work and other plans. Choose a date far enough in advance so people will be able to mark their calendars.生日聚会最好选在周末,周末大家很可能不上班,也没有其他计划。提前选择日期,这样大家就可以尽早的规划行程。4. Venue 地点One of th