Kelly's Talkshow

Sichuan food 四川美食



I'm so excited to finally eat authentic Sichuan food, Mina!Mina, 我太激动了,终于吃上正宗的川菜了!It's probably not what you're used to in America, Sarah. Real Sichuan food has "one hundred dishes, one hundred flavors."Sarah, 这和你在美国习惯吃的川菜可能不一样。真正的川菜是“百菜百味”。I want to try the Kung Pao Chicken. And I've heard a lot about Mapo Tofu.我想尝尝宫保鸡丁,也听过很多人推荐麻婆豆腐。So can you eat spicy food?你能吃辣吗?I love spicy food! The spicier, the better!我超爱吃辣!越辣越过瘾!Well, Sichuan peppercorns have a pretty special flavor. It's a numbing kind of spicy.四川的花椒味道很特别,是麻辣。How about we order some fish too?我们也点个鱼怎么样?Good idea. Sichuan boiled fish is really something else. Just watch out for the bones!好主意。四川水煮鱼真的不错。但要注意鱼刺。Will do. Do you think that'll be enough?好的。你觉得菜点够了吗?I think we should get some cold noodles too. They come with a spicy peanut sauce.我觉得还可以来点凉面。它是配麻辣花生酱吃的。Everything looks amazing! I don't even know where to start!每道菜看起来都很棒!我都不知道从哪儿开始了!So glad you like it! But next time you visit, we're definitely eating Hot pot!很高兴你能喜欢!下次你来的时候,我们一定要吃火锅! Grammar | 语