The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

056: The Scariest Verse in Scripture…and How To Survive It



A lot of passages in Scripture make me uncomfortable. But this one scares the dickens out of me. In Matthew 12:36, Jesus declares "I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter." Uhhh..."every careless word"? (Insert teeth chattering.) Now I don't know about you, but I've said some pretty ridiculous things in my life...things for which I would love to take the eternal Etch A Sketch, turn it upside down, and shake. (By the way, did I ever tell you I was in a 1970s Etch A Sketch commercial with my brothers and sisters? Story for another time...) And I'm betting there are plenty of people reading this that are just as terrified of that verse as I am. Well, fear not! In this special episode of the Art of Catholic, I'm actually the one being interviewed by none other than Marcus Grodi about this very difficult verse. Perhaps you've seen Marcus on his EWTN show The Journey Home. (I was on that show once, too...a long time after the Etch A Sketch commercial.) Marcus is