Blackbaud K-12's Get Connected Podcast

Inside the Rise of Responsive Web Design: An Interview with its founder, Ethan Marcotte



Measuring 3,000 private school websites in our report, (August 2014), uncovered lots of interesting statistics about website navigation and design. But one stat, in particular, answered a question that I think many of us were curious about: With the rise of mobile devices, how are private school websites adapting? More specifically, are they offering an option built on responsive web design (RWD)? (Wondering about the ? Check out this .) Our research revealed that 22% of private schools sites (August 2014) utilized responsive web design — meaning their designs responded to whatever device was accessing it — mobile, tablet or desktop. We took another look at this group in early 2015 and saw a 9% jump to 31%. Here we are a year later, and I think it’s fair to assume another significant leap in RWD adoption. Here’s the takeaway — schools understand that they need to display their content in the best possible way across all devices, both in front of and behind the password. Just imagine a parent visiting the a