Straight Talk With Supply Chain Insights

2016 New Year’s Resolutions with Amy Hartzell of Dow Chemical



Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_158", {soundFile:""}); Lora Cecere Interviews Amy Hartzell, Director of Supply Chain Center Excellence at Dow Chemical, on her New Year’s Resolutions Amy stated that they spent 2015 on strategic objections and alignment.  They are now implementing improvements on S&OP or S&OE (for Execution) as well as how to automate their supply chain.  She feels that they have a lot to learn on capturing and analyzing data. They would like the Center of Excellence to be a consulting resource and partner for their improvement projects.  They are trying to improve their base foundational models in the supply chain.  In 2016 they are implementing learning...