Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Desabafar



Hello! No podcast de hoje você vai aprender como dizer 'desabafo' em inglês. Não perca... Transcrição Hello! You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So today I'm talking about this little word, vent. It's so common in everyday speech that... you don't even know how common it is. If you read Internet forums in English, if you watch movies or sitcoms or anything especially from the United States, you've come across it. To vent means to talk about how you're feeling when you're upset, or stressed out, feeling pressured, exhausted... Anything really that has been making you feel basically not well and that you've been enduring for a while. Then one day you decide to vent. You decide to vent your feelings. Maybe you're out with a good friend, and you guys weren't even talking about anything difficult or unpleasant. You were just catching up, having a nice conversation and drinking beer... when all of a sudden it j