Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Blessing in disguise



How have you been? Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms comuníssimos com a palavra blessing. Are you ready? :-) Transcrição How have you been? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. For a better listening experience, head over to the Google Play Store or Apple's App Store and download the Inglês Online app. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So our first expression of today is blessing in disguise. Yep - do you know what that means? Let's see. I'm going to read out a tweet for you, and you tell me whether you know what blessing in disguise means or not. So check out what this guy tweeted out - he's talking about two football teams who lost one of their players: https://twitter.com/OvieO/status/983833742799237121 So just an observation: notice that he said "Roma lost Salah" and "are", so "Roma are" and then in the second sentence "Liverpool lost Coutinho" and "are" - "Liverpool are". OK? So he uses 'are' with Liverpool and Roma, why? Because these