Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Either one or the other



How's it going? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre algumas formas comuns de usar a palavra 'Either'. Transcrição Hello, everyone, how are you doing? This is Ana Luiza with another episode of our Inglês Online Podcast. And today we have a quick episode. I want to get right into it. It's something that is really, really useful and very common in the language and the reason I want to focus on it... Ok, so let me tell you what I am talking about: I'm talking about the word "either". Either, which is also pronounced 'AITHER' and sometimes E-I-T-H-E-R. Ok, and the reason I want to focus on the word either is that it is really common in the language. People use it all the time; it's a really good word. It's not difficult and if you've done English classes before, if you've gone to English school and if you've gone as far as... I don't know, maybe pre-intermediate or definitely intermediate, either is there. It's there in your books, but that doesn't mean that students come out of English school being