Everything Instagram

Instagram Live for Growth



INSTAGRAM LIVE. Right now, this feature is totally under-used in the community. Start going live multiple times per week for 10-15 minutes. There is literally zero downside--only upside. Here is why it's dope: 1) GET TO KNOW LOYAL FOLLOWERS - You, the influencer, get to better understand your most loyal followers, what they want to know about you, and who they are. Ask them questions you want to know--what kind of content they like to see! 2) PERSONALITY - Your fans, the followers, feel a deeper connection with you. They see your unscripted, unpolished personality. They see how you react to questions. 3) TOP LIVE - You have a chance of appearing in the Top Live section of Instagram which could bring in new followers. 4) INCREASED ENGAGEMENT - Some followers, who may have stopped engaging with your content and therefore don't see your posts anymore, may get notified and start engaging with your content again. And remember, Instagram Live is all about INTERACTING with your follower
