Talk Triggers Show

11 - This is the Greatest On-Hold Music EVER



Nothing drains the life out of you like waiting on-hold. You have no choice but to listen to the anonymous smooth jazz music and think about all the things you’d rather be doing with your time. It takes every inch of your will power to resist the temptation to hang up and call it a day.  So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that 85% of Americans say they hate to wait on hold. As you can imagine, this universal agreement that we are a nation of on-hold ‘haters’ poses an issue for companies providing free conference calling services over the internet.  Not only does nobody want to wait on hold, but all of the free conference calling services offer the same thing. When differentiating yourself with price and core functionality isn’t an option, your only choice is to differentiate with customer experience.  On this episode of Talk Triggers, I tell you about a business that not only still uses on-hold music but actually uses it as their most effective marketing tool.  Trust me, this is on-hold music that yo