Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

BONUS: How To Build Trust and Manage Conflict | Maria Arpa



BONUS: How To Build Trust and Manage Conflict, With Maria Arpa In this BONUS episode, we dive deep into the art of building trust and managing conflict in the workplace with Maria Arpa, an expert mediator and creator of the Dialogue Roadmap. Maria shares powerful insights on transforming workplace dynamics through compassionate communication and authentic dialogue. Understanding Power Dynamics in the Workplace "What we don't talk about openly, most people end up acting out." Power imbalances exist in every workplace and cannot be ignored. Maria emphasizes the importance of exposing and addressing these power dynamics openly, particularly the unspoken contracts that govern our interactions. These implicit agreements often drive behavior and can lead to conflict when left unaddressed. The Dialogue Roadmap: Moving Beyond Debate "We give children prizes for debating societies. We don't give children prizes for collaborative behavior." The Dialogue Roadmap offers a structured approach to authent