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Should You Repurpose Your Content? | Ep. #111



In Episode #111 Eric and Neil help you decide whether you should or should not repurpose your content to bring to followers in. Listen to learn what the advantages and disadvantages are, and the truth about Google’s penalties for replicated content. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:27 – Today’s topic: Should you repurpose your content? 00:39 – Maximize your investment by repurposing 01:04 – Posting on multiple platforms is repurposing 01:15 – Repurposing helps you get eyes in other areas 01:37 – Not all form of content should be text based 01:42 – Misconception on Google for duplicate content 02:11 – Make sure to link back to the original source 03:29 – Splinter out posts and create more content 03:52 – Google content repurposing workflow 04:30 – Think about the monetization aspect of your business 05:20 – Medium and Quora rewrites certain answers 05:52 – Using Rev to transcribe podcast episodes 06:02 – That’s it for today’s episode! 3 Key Points: Repurposing content doesn’t mean you post the s