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What Is Negative SEO? | Ep. #253



In Episode #253, Eric and Neil discuss what negative SEO is. Tune in to know how you can protect your site from negative SEO and the way Google works in regards to dishing out penalties and pushing one’s website ranking down. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:27 – Today’s topic: What Is Negative SEO? 00:32 – Negative SEO is when someone pushes your SEO down 00:43 – A good example of this is when someone builds porn or casino links to your site 00:56 – It becomes negative SEO when you begin to rank lower 01:03 – Negative SEO is when Google starts to filter you 01:13 – Eric thinks of SEO as an over-optimization cup 01:21 – Each size has a different cup size 01:23 – Big sites like Amazon have bigger cups and more room for errors 01:57 – Once you hit your cup limit, that’s when Google starts to hit you with penalties 02:37 – Neil sees this happening in the aggressive industries 02:46 – Some people are taking websites that have spammy links and they link them to their website 03:00 – Google is improv