Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding And Fitness Podcast

Skip La Cour's MASS MACHINE Bodybuilding & Training (Sponsored by Mass Machine® Nutrition)



  Lose Your Need for “Absolute” Bodybuilding Strategies and Start Making Real Gains An “absolute” is described as something that is free of imperfection. Too many people try to make everything they do when it comes to their bodybuilding and training efforts absolutes. Without making every training or eating strategy a “black or white” absolute, they can’t move forward with any certainty. During this motivational podcast, Skip La Cour explains why your search for perfection is not only unnecessary, it’s impossible. He explains why waiting to action or believing that you’ve truly found that absolute strategy can be harmful to your mindset and the attainment of your goals. Six-time National Champion bodybuilder, Success/Leadership Coach, book author, and speaker, Skip La Cour, offers advice on training, nutrition, and motivation that will help you take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. (For more information, visit his web sites at and