Skip La Cour's Bodybuilding And Fitness Podcast

A More Than Just Muscles Conversation With Pro Bodybuilder JEFF WILLET - MTJM #9



IFBB Professional Bodybuilder Jeff Willet joins Skip La Cour during this week's More Than Just Muscles podcast for an up-close-and-personal interview. Jeff openly shares his journey adjusting to "normal" life after completely dedicating his time, energy, and focus to bodybuilding from the age of 16 to 32. The Powerhouse Gym owner from Adrian, Michigan talks about his most memorable moments as a bodybuilder and what the pursuit of his dreams taught him about life. Willet also reveals the challenges that came along with his drive and dedication to build such an amazing physique. The More Than Just Muscles podcast is specifically designed to help dedicated bodybuilders who find themselves asking "Is this all there is?" from time to time no matter how great they look or how many people admire them. What to get on your path to become "More Than Just Muscles." Go to and explain why you absolutely must do so now in order to experience the overall quality of life your really want. S