Suspense Radio

Suspense Radio Inside Edition November 22nd, 2014



Suspense Radio ends the 2014 campaign with two hours and four outstanding authors.  Sheila Lowe, Robert Blake Whitehill, Susan Santangelo and Joe Lane. Sheila's latest book Inkslingers Ball: A firebombing, a young girl found dead in a dumpster, and the disappearance of an investigative journalist. In Inkslingers Ball, Claudia Rose is back and her troubled young friend, Annabelle Giordano has a secret tattoo that could get her killed. Claudia joins forces with her LAPD detective lover Joel Jovanic, who uncovers a tantalizing handwritten document that has the potential to break several cases wide open.  Robert Blake Whitehill's latest book Tap Rack Bang: Former Navy SEAL Ben Blackshaw lurks in solitude aboard the shoaled wreck of the American Mariner in the Chesapeake Bay. He is awakened one stormy spring night when a drifting dinghy slams into the old ship’s hull. Blackshaw investigates, and discovers there is only one occupant in the sinking boat, a naked young woman lying unconscious in the bilge.  Susan