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The Best Way to Market to Individuals Who Make Over $150K a Year | Ep. #525



In episode #525, Eric and Neil discuss the best way to market to people making more than $150K per year. Tune in to hear the exciting ideas they have to boost your reach and potential earnings. Time-Stamped Show Notes: [00:27] Today’s Topic: The Best Way to Market to Individuals Who Make Over $150K a Year [00:37] There was an article on the Salesforce Blog about podcasts. According to the article, 16% of the people who listen to podcasts make over $150,000/year. [01:01] In addition, that 16% listens to roughly five hours of podcasts per week. [01:07] So, if you want to target that 16%, you should consider starting a podcast to increase your traffic and sales. [01:18] Marketing School gets about 550,000 listens per week. [01:38] If you don’t want to create a podcast, you can simply advertise on a podcast. [01:55] You can target your ads towards a certain income group on Facebook. [02:28] You can target prominent Venture Capitalists on Twitter or similar types of people. [02:40] Eric likes the idea