Chicken Soup For The Soul With Amy Newmark

Face Your Fears and Have Fun



Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul. This is the time of year when we are already re-examining our New Year’s resolutions and deciding which ones are actually do-able. I want to share one today that is an all-year resolution for me and my husband, and that is to face our fears and have more fun as a result. We are constantly fighting off that tendency to NOT do something new, usually for some dumb reason like we don’t know where to park there. But we’ve gotten way better about doing new things, eating new things, going to new places, having new experiences. So when you’re thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, you might want to add one about facing your fears or insecurities. And that’s what I’m going to talk about today, with two stories from our new book about 101 ways to think positive. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit