The Champions' Cast - Zelda Dungeon Podcast

Episode 351 - Zelda Daily Debate Roundtable



With no new news of the Switch 2 this week, we're turning to Zelda Dungeon's amazing writing team to answer a bunch of Daily Debates! Some of the topics include: what Zelda game has gotten better with age? What's the most underrated villain in the series? What accomplishment in the series that we have done are we the most proud of? What name do we always mispronounce? What's our thoughts on Nintendo Music so far? All this, and so much more! Come hang with us!   Support The Zelda Cast on Patreon! Subscribe to receive the monthly bonus show ‘The Zelda Cast Top Tens! Follow The Zelda Cast! The Zelda Cast (@TheZeldaCast) Andy Spiteri (@Spiteri316) Alasyn Eletha (@AlasynEletha) Twitch x Facebook x Discord x Tik-Tok x BlueSky Advertise on The Zelda Cast! See Options Here! Subscribe to The Zelda Cast! Apple Podcasts x Podbean x Spotify x iTunes x Google Podcasts x iHeart Radio x PlayerFM Grab The Zelda Cast Merch! Official Zelda Dungeon Merch store