Adult Adhd Add Tips And Support

Adult ADHD Tips – Life Visioning Exercises Part 1



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast - A Podcast for Neurodivergent Creatives. Life Visioning Exercises: Part 1. This podcast is an audio companion to the book "The Drummer and the Great Mountain - A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD." Happy 2025! Taking a bit of time at the beginning of the year to do some Life Visioning work can be extremely fruitful. And, this can be an overwhelming task for many of us. In this episode we'll cover part 1 of the Life Visioning exercises mapped out in the book The Drummer and the Great Mountain. We'll cover: An ADHD-friendly approach to Life Visioning  Why Life Visioning and Goal Setting can bring up a lot of baggage for us Some inspiration based on wins from our community this past year as the result of doing this work An overview of the 5 steps in the Life Visioning process A walk-through of the first exercise in the Life Visioning process Links Mentioned in this Episode: (Workshop) Life Visioning (PDF) Life Visioning Chapter (PDF) The Ultimate Trac